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B285 diode replace lamp

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    B285 diode replace lamp

    Hallo, I have a B285 and I would like to replace the lamps with diodes. Does anyone have an assembly scheme? Thank you very much.

    Hi Philjacq,

    A few years ago I allso replaced the lamps for led. I did use a strip and only 1 plus voltage point.
    However I copied a link. In there (allmost the last part) you can read what this user have done.
    It's in dutch, but I think Google translate will help you a lot.

    In this section you can see how it worked for me.

    Hope it will help you.


      Hi Blockbusters
      Thanks a lot for your answer. Your links have helped me. In which store did you find the 12V strip with the LEDs you used? I prefer your solution rather than the "solfitte". The light is better distributed. See you soon

