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How to contact Josef Scharf

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    How to contact Josef Scharf

    Hello to everyone
    I am here again with a brand new problem.

    I will tell you the story from the beginning:
    About two month ago i contacted Josef Scharf for a new nextel coating of the covers and the lateral parts of a B750 and of a B760 , i payed in advice as usual and i shipped all to his spray department, so i started to wait patiently.
    Some days before Christmas i wrote him some emails asking wen my parts would have been ready, he said me that he had got problems with the supplier of the paint and so he wasn't able to paint my stuff yet but he also said that he would have finished the work before Christmas.
    Until that moment everything seemed ok.
    The problem is that haven't had no more news from him, i send him tons of emails and i tried to call him on the two phones i founded on website with no successes.

    So the question is: someone know some other way to contact Josef Scharf?

    I really started to worry about the fate of my items, and i don't wont to see my revox stuff "nude" forever !

    Thanks in advance to anyone who will help me.

    AW: How to contact Josef Scharf

    Sometimes revoxjoschi is absent from Germany in order to visit his company in Hungary. I made also the experience once but all´n all he answered. Be patient.
    Bei Revox-Fieber hilft kein Arzt oder Apotheker!


      AW: How to contact Josef Scharf

      Ciao Giovanni,
      io penso que e in ospedale !
      Saluti Pietro


        AW: How to contact Josef Scharf

        O.k., then all the best for revoxjoschi!
        Bei Revox-Fieber hilft kein Arzt oder Apotheker!


          AW: How to contact Josef Scharf

          Zitat von Peterpan Beitrag anzeigen
          Ciao Giovanni,
          io penso que e in ospedale !
          Saluti Pietro
          In his last mail he wrote that he had a car accident and so he had not been able to work for some days, maybe it's a complication related to the accident.
          I hope it is nothing serious, it would be a great loss for the revox community.

          Best Wishes and Speedy Recovery, Josef!


            AW: How to contact Josef Scharf

            don't worry, be happy.
            Sometimes he need's a little bit more time as usuall.


              AW: How to contact Josef Scharf

              I still haven't received any answer from nobody at revoxjoschi, do you have any contact of his employers? for example i would talk whit Manuel Soares of the ink spray Department.

              Thank to everybody again for your help


                AW: How to contact Josef Scharf

                @ Giovanni:
                Sorry to say that, but it's often the same drag with this provider. I nearly waited a year to get my B791 pieces back
                For some other time, I know a place in Germany where the work is done in two weeks for sure. If you are interested, PM.
                Gruss aus dem Seeland,

