Recently I got a B760 as a part machine. I disassembled the boards and spent a lot of time cleaning, reassembling.
It appeared that this B760 had been fixed by the previous owner, but with no success. The power supply board miss one 10uf tantalum capacitor.
The first time I plug in power the display lit and respond to the dail, but nothing else. A little while later there was a smoke from the power supply area.
It was a 3.3ohm resistor got burning. I then look more carefully on the 32V section of this power supply. BC446, BC546 were replaced by 2N5400 and MPSA06.
I checked and found BD177 and 2N5400 was fine. MPSA06 got short! So a new replacement seemed to be unavoidable.
As I inspected this area a more shocking fact was revealed: 2N5400 and MPSA06 was soldered in a mis-configured E-B-C, C-B-E! Previous owner did had the experience to find the replacement transistors but failed to recognize that the pin position of european transistor is different from that of most U.S./Japanese transistors.
Do you have any suggestion on the possible equivalent replacement for BC546?
Thank you!