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gibt es für den H1 eigentlich eine spezifische Serviceanleitung? Wenn ja, wo finde ich die, bzw. könnte mir diese jemand per Mail schicken?
Ich habe dieses Forum (auch andere Foren) und alle mir bekannten Anbieter im Net (ob Freedownload oder Gebührenpflichtig) durchforstet, bin aber nicht fündig geworden.
The differences between the H1 and the B215 are in the keypad wiring - the H1 has fewer buttons on the front panel.
As far as I remember, the transport and the audio circuit boards are the same. The B215-S is a little different in that it has a high voltage circuit board added for the LCD display lamp; the H1 uses LEDs, so no high voltage circuit is fitted.
The first thing I would recommend is to replace all the electrolytic capacitors on the power-supply / logic-control board.
You should also replace capacitors in the audio sections, once you have it responding o the pushbuttons.
The Ruwido variable trimmer resistors should also be replaced, but you need to have it recording & playing first, since it will then need a full recalibration.
Yes, I'm aware of fewer buttons and the capacitor-replacement, as I have an early B215 and done it. I didn't change all trimmers (just the one for the tape-end sensor) though, because I neither have the knowledge, nor the equipment to recalibrate the deck properly. Well, measuring them and setting new ones accordingly I am thinking of...maybe.
I only had a quick glance into the machine to see if the system control board is the same as the B215 one - not quite and this is why I have been searching for the SM.
What I'm really curious about is the display - I read your statement about LEDs in an other forum and couldn't quite beleive it. I guess, I'll find out.
Oh, almost forgott, the system control board allready has new capacitors. The original owner (don't know who it is, the deck found it's way to Slovenia from Switzerland I was told) obviously made a repair attempt. This may be a bad sign - maybe he found out the main processor(s) is dead and then got rid of the thing...but I'm optimistic - naimly, the solder points are bad, very bad, even worse then mine and this could be positive - I speculate that someone with such miserable soldering skills isn't able to determine if a processor is faulty or not. Off course, I might be proven wrong.
Enough said. Please save your energy for the thread I'm gonna open...it might take a while though - there is a B251 capacitor list waiting to be done and ordered...and a friend waiting in Belgrade
P.S. Naredne sedmice imam nekoliko dana slobodno, pa ću to srediti.
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